LSBTIQ Gesundheit
Gesundheitsförderung für Lesben, Schwule, Bisexuelle, geschlechternonkonforme, transgeschlechtliche, intergeschlechtliche und queere Menschen
Gesundheitsförderung für Lesben, Schwule, Bisexuelle, geschlechternonkonforme, transgeschlechtliche, intergeschlechtliche und queere Menschen
Titelseite des Sammelbandes LGBT Populations and Cancer in the Global Context
„[…] This book addresses LGBT populations’ cancer burden across countries that range from high- to low-income countries to support efforts in diverse countries that are working towards reducing LGBT populations’ cancer burden. It documents place-specific challenges that impede progress towards reducing the LGBT cancer burden as well as critically assesses the variation in cancer control efforts that target LGBT populations and cancer to support progress at a global scale. This book includes six sections that cover the six WHO regions, with each chapter written by an author from the specific region s/he is covering. Each chapter makes use of a template that contextualizes the region, local data collection/availability, risk factors, cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship.“ (Aus dem Umschlagstext)
2020 bis 2022
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Boehmer, Boston, USA
Fachhochschule Dortmund
Boehmer, U., & Dennert, G. (Hrsg.). (2022). LGBT Populations and Cancer in the Global Context. Springer International Publishing.
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